Who Are We?

We find the answers that you need.

Research and Resource

The work of Research and Resource began in the head of the founder, Carmen Cauthen, in 1998, when she typed a manuscript for a friend of her family.  When she and her client read the edited version, the voice of the author had been completely changed.  She vowed not to let that happen again.

Officially, Carmen wrote the Journal for the North Carolina House of Representatives for over 19 years.  This included writing, editing, proofreading, and indexing the book.  She also researched for the public as well as for others.  Her eye for detail and consistency is unmatched.

Community engagement comes naturally to her as she learned those lessons as the child of a politically active teacher and a community pharmacist.  Her specialty is creating a trusting atmosphere for people to share needs and concerns in a powerful way.

A Peek Into Our Process…

first part of Our Process Of Research …

  1. Define Research Objectives:
    • Clearly outline the purpose and goals of the historical research.
    • Specify the time period, geographical scope, and key themes.
  2. Literature Review:
    • Conduct a thorough review of existing literature related to the chosen historical topic.
    • Identify gaps, controversies, or areas where further exploration is needed.
  3. Source Identification:
    • Identify primary sources (original documents, letters, artifacts) relevant to the research.
    • Locate secondary sources (books, articles, academic papers) for additional context.
  4. Archival Research:
    • Visit archives or access online repositories to gather primary source materials.
    • Document the sources, including dates, locations, and any restrictions on use.
  5. Interviews and Oral Histories:
    • If applicable, conduct interviews with individuals who have firsthand knowledge or experiences related to the historical topic.
    • Preserve oral histories and gather permissions for use.
  6. Data Collection:
    • Collect quantitative data, if applicable, through historical records, statistical reports, or other relevant sources.
  7. Digital Archives and Databases:
    • Explore digital archives and databases for digitized historical documents and records.
    • Utilize specialized databases for historical research.
  8. Historiographical Analysis:
    • Analyze the changing interpretations of the historical topic over time (historiography).
    • Identify key debates and shifts in scholarly perspectives.

second part of Our Process Of Research …

    • Cross-reference information from different sources to ensure accuracy.
    • Verify the credibility and reliability of sources.
  1. Chronological Analysis:
    • Organize collected data chronologically to understand the historical timeline.
    • Identify patterns, trends, and key events.
  2. Thematic Analysis:
    • Conduct thematic analysis to explore specific themes or issues relevant to the research.
    • Identify recurring patterns or concepts.
  3. Collaboration and Peer Review:
    • Collaborate with other researchers or historians within the company.
    • Seek peer review to validate findings and interpretations.
  4. Ethical Considerations:
    • Adhere to ethical standards in historical research, including proper citation and respect for privacy.
    • Ensure compliance with any legal or ethical guidelines.
  5. Documentation and Reporting:
    • Document the research process, including challenges faced and decisions made.
    • Prepare a comprehensive report with clear findings and interpretations.
  6. Presentation and Publication:
    • Present research findings to stakeholders or historians.
    • Consider submitting research for publication in academic journals or other relevant platforms.
  7. Feedback and Iteration:
    • Gather feedback from stakeholders and make necessary revisions.
    • Consider further iterations or follow-up research based on feedback.

By following these steps, your research company can conduct a rigorous and thorough historical investigation, providing valuable insights to the historians you’re working for.