Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, race has always mattered if you were not white in America.
Join us on this journey to learn from Black people, how that has and does feel, what it looks like, where racism has brought us from, and how you, as a white person, can begin to effect change in the system.
My Black life matters to me and is just as important as your white one!

Black and White ??
- What is racism?
- Why does race matter?
- How does it affect our everyday life?
- Does it affect Black lives differently from white lives? Why?
- Most importantly, what can I, a white person, do about it?
- I never owned slaves and I am nice to everybody.
Is this my problem?
If we tackle this problem TOGETHER, then we tackle the other problems we have in our community. It’s an us problem, not a them problem.
BE The light
BE the Water
Know that you may have to begin this journey alone. And realize that for many of your human black and brown family members, they have been feeling like this for a long time
Let the emotion of it come. Feel what you must. Experience all that there is, but keep up with your feelings and the memories that come up.
Begin to share what you have learned with confidence, knowing that some people will not believe what you say. (That is why you must investigate.)
The dripping water, running over the rocks, is what wears down the stone. Have you ever looked at the Grand Canyon? Continue to share the truth with others. The stigma and systems of race must be eroded by the white people who have the power.